Online registration

To receive the entrance badge for SICAM 2023 it is mandatory to register. You can complete the online form to get your personal code directly per email (after a data check by the organizator), which allows to print the badge at the fairs' entrance. Entrance is free and reserved to trade visitors.
I agree to the processing of my personal data for promotional and Marketing purposes

In accordance with art. 13 of GDPR 2016/679, we wish to inform you that ExpoSicam S.r.l., as Data Controller, will handle and use your personal data for the purposes of Direct Marketing. Your personal data will be kept for a period not exceeding 24 months. You may exercise your rights with regard to the Data Controller as in art. 15 and following of the said Regulation, writing to For further information, please refer to the privacy policy available on our website ( or at the entrance to the fair.